Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Today is going to be such a busy day.  The hubs has off, and we have to go and get our electric scheduled to be turned on tomorrow or Friday...gotta get cabel scheduled to be turned on, groceries tomorrow, and today we have to go out to Winter Haven and pack up our stuff to move into our place tomorrow and Friday....YAY!!!  So excited.

One more day till we have the keys!!

Monday, March 29, 2010

3 days and counting

So we have 3 more days till we have the keys to our new apartment!!!  I am behind excited.  LOL shows you how long it has been since we have had our own place with no rules but our own.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

What a wonderful LONG week.

This week has been very long, stressful, crazy, and so wonderful.
Playing the piano with PaPa, and "gator"....

Play-doh for the very first time was awesome!!!  It was like she knew what to do with is naturally.  She may not have made the snowman, but she did make a cup...well what she called a

While eating pudding, this is what she made her kitty luvee, "ze ba", and "ge raf" was their snack time too :)  I was surprised that at the end of snack time, there wasnt as much pudding everywhere.  She is getting so much better at eating with her little spoon and fork.  I had such a proud mommy moment that day.

School is still stressful.  Trying to write a 5 page essay and make sure a very active 23 month old is happy, is the makings for a very crazy  Little bit has learned how to wake daddy up in the afternoons, so he can get ready for work.  It is the cutest thing....she opens the door (which is another new thing) and climbs up on our bed and sits right on him and screams..."WAKE UP DADDY NOW PEAS".  Of course, he thinks it is the cutest thing, because after he says "good morning little mommas", she gives him the biggest hug!!  Now when she wants to wake me up for the morings, I get: "Go mommy, go" so I get out of bed, or I get: "Hi mommy" and get kisses and hugs...either way, I love it, I would never trade it for anything.

One of the coolest things that has happened this week...WE GOT OUR OWN PLACE!!!  That's right!!!  We move next week into our own place.  Yes, it may be an apartment, but it will be OUR apartment.

Well that's about all that has happened, there might be more and I can post later, but as of right now my brain is on auto mode because it is WAY past my bedtime.  I know, Im getting old...blah blah blah!!  Till next time, hope you have a good weekend.

Thursday, March 25, 2010


I am off to Dunkin Donutes to get me a coffee...blah!!  To early to be thinkin about getting up and driving to a place an hour and a half away....but sey la vi`, it is my life :)

Hope everyone, even if you do not read my blog, has a very good day....just remember there is only one more day after today before the weekend.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Story of my life!!


These are some of the strawberries that we got at the flee market yesterday.  They are sweet and juicy..yummy!!!!  That is all :)

Monday, March 22, 2010

One of those Crazy, Wonderful, Beautiful days!!

So I have not posted all day today because, I have been very busy, and trust me it has been one of the crazy days!!!! 

I actually got to sleep in this morning till wonderful hubs got up with the baby and let me sleep in...YAY!!  It was so nice.

We got up and got dressed and went to our local flee market here in town and I ended up getting 3 new bras for the price of $15.00  I know, I know, why must you tell us about that??  I have to because it was such a great deal.  Usually just one bra is $15, but I got 3!!!  LMAO

My little bit decided she didnt want to really take a nap today and was REALLY cranky.  She ended up finally taking one but for only like 45 minutes, compared to her normal 3 hour naps.  So yeah mommy had a fun day with a baby who did not want to stop screaming, all because she was way to tired and didnt wanna miss a thing. 

She decided that when she was done with her bath, instead of calling for mommy or daddy, she was going to take and pour her whole bottle of shampoo down the drain.  Yeppers, bathroom smelled like freshly washed baby hair for a good hour or so...mmmm I love that smell though, so she just got a little talking to and told her what she did was a no no...she said ok and I think she knew she had done something bad because she said "sorry daddy" to the hubs...and she only does that when she is sorry for something she has done :)  Thats right, we have a very well mannored little girl...and she is only 22 months old :)

Also had 2 essays to write for school that were due today...and of course I was not able to really get them done until today, so I had to scurry and do my because I HATE being rushed.

I am signing off here, but before I do, I am going to leave the encouragement for Day 4 out of my book....I am going to say this, I did not know this book was a spiritual encouragement book before I bought it, so it does have religious stuff.  I apologize in advance if it offends anyone.

**DAY 4**
Let us honor and thank the God and Father of our Lord Jesus.  He has already given us a taste of what heaven is like.

I do not understand this one, but I posted.  Have a great weekend, and good night.

OO before I the new camera (its a little generic one, until I can get the one I want), and I will be updating with pictures hopefully tomorrow....LOL that is if I can figure out how to work it.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Camera Day!!

So I finally talked the hubs into breaking down and getting us a new digital camera.  LOL our current one works, but doesnt.  You can take pictures with it, but the screen has so many little white lines going down it, you cant really see what your taking a picture of, until you upload them to the computer...and THAT SUCKS DONKEY BALLS!!

The one camera I really would like, cant affor at the current moment....(trying to get enough money up for our lawyer, dont ask...for our own place again, and to fix the hubs car).  So money for the camera I really want is out of the question....BUT, I can atleast get a little digital one that will take care of business in the mean time.  I do not like being able to take constant pictures of everything around me...especially my beautiful little girl.

Another thing I would like to start doing, is something called a 365 day project.  Where you take one picture a day and put it in a journal that basically documents what is going on in your life for that year.  Just one picture a day.  Seems fun and interesting, so why not? right?

I am signing off for now, but before I do, I am going to post todays inspiration.  Till later, I am over and out.  Have a good one.

**DAY 3**
The best things are nearest:
breath in your nostrils,
light in your eyes,
flowers at your feet,
duties at your hand,
the path of Right just before you.
Do not grasp at the stars,
but do life's plain common work as it comes,
certain that daily duties and daily bread are the sweetest things in life.

Day 2, just a couple hours late...

I have had such a busy day today, with errands and a very opinionated 2 year old, and school work....its been crazy.  Just wanted to get on here before I went to bed so I could say WOW today may have been crazy, but what is a day if you can not share it with someone.

Have a good one....I'm off to bed....I say I need 12 hours straight sleep, 2 weeks vacation and a pez dispenser with a lifetime supply of Valium in  I wonder if the hubs will let me sleep in, in the morning??  Who knows, guess there is only one way of finding out...going to sleep and telling ya about in the morning.

:DAY 2:
"Every Experience  God gives us, every person He puts in our lives, is the perfect preparation for the future that only He can see".
--Corrie Ten Boom--

Good night all <3

Friday, March 19, 2010

Looking Forward

Today I have made the decision to start looking forward and live every day with no regrets!  I went out and bought a couple books at Ross, and one of them was a daily insperational/encouragement book.  I keep telling my self that I am going to better myself so I can be a better mommy and wife.  I am going to start posting each days insperation/encouragement at the end of each of my postings.  I hope that it helps you as much as it is hopefully going to help me.  And I know no one is probably even reading tihs right at the moment, but it is still going to be here :)

DAY #1

Instead of feeling sorry for ourselves as we advance in years, or toting up the days and months that are already past, let's remember and enjoy all the good times we have had and look forward t all those that may lie ahead.

Have a good night, its 12am here, and this time of night I actually feel at peace.  No one is awake but me...the baby is sleeping, the hubs is at work, and the mother is sleeping...the only noises I hear is the sound of my fingers hitting the keys on my laptop, the sound of the baby breathing on the baby monitor and the faint noise of the television in the background.. OOO how peaceful it is.  As for now, I am signing off here, if I do not pry myself away from here, I will end up watching some more Robot chicken and Aqua Teen hunger fource....yeppers that right, I watch Adult Swim.  :)  It does a body good.  Now see I looked at the TV and here comes another episode of watching Master Shake, meatwad and frylock...Till tomorrow...Im out!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

It's Morning Already??

Ever have one of those mornings where your child wakes you up, routinely at 7am (or whatever time they wake you up at), and your just not ready to deal with the day??  Yeah, totally having one of those days.  Cool thing though, got woke up at 4am, so my little girl, who is potty training, could go potty on the big girl potty.  :)  So I did not mind that one at all.  She even woke up basically dry.

Currently it is 11:58am, and I am sittin here with a cup of coffee (3rd one to be exact), still in my PJs, watching Go Diego, Go with my precious girl, and typing on here.  I have been up since 7am, and still not motivated to get dressed, make a grocery list, fold laundry, or even think about getting out of the house to do the grocery shopping and errands.  Maybe in the next hour I will have the energy.  LOL  atleast I know I will be up and moving by 1:30pm because I have an appointment to be at by 2:30pm.  Till later, this is me signing off.

Remember, no matter how horribal your day may be, you always have something to be grateful, mine is having such a loving family.  My little girl and my husband, would not trade them for anything in this couldnt make me!!