Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Miserableness has creeped its way in...

So after I had this whole thing planned on getting back on track and getting back to the weight I was before I had my didnt happen.  If it wasnt one thing, then it was another.  Between work, school, and feeling as if I am raising our daughter as a single parent (even though I am married and the hubs lives here), I wasnt able to stay on track. 

I know I should not pass blame, but when your significant other doesnt help, not even to lift one figure with anything, its that much harder to do things.  I mean is that hard to ask that the house atleast is left the same way it was when I left...not 10 times worst.  AS IT WAS TODAY!!  I refuse to deal with it..I told him tonight finally that HE can pick up the house because it was picked up before I left and its not my fault he let our 2 year old run rampid all over the house...and when I say all over...I mean ALL OVER (bathroom, her bedroom, OUR bedroom, livingroom and kitchen....Just thinkin about cleaning on my mini-vacation is hurting my head and literally making me sick....not to mention on top of cleaning the house, doing all of our laundry (since he obviously doesnt know how to do it) and my homework (which I am going to be late on because YEAH I DONT CARE right now).

I know this is just a rambling vent, and I am sorry, but I had to get it out.. I have been soooo stressed lately that I dont want it to spill onto my daughter because she is the world to me.  Im soo tired!! 

Well on a cool note, Im getting my deep freezer chest tomorrow and that means I can finally stock up on meats and there might be a future of weight loss after all....well here is to figures crossed!!